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A New Season

March 20th – first day of Spring.  June 21st – first day of Summer.  We are into a new Season of the year.  As sure as clock work, they come and go.  When one Season gives way to another, I am always reminded of the promise spoken by God immediately following the universal flood in the days of Noah.  As the waters receded and dry land again appeared, the LORD said to himself, “I will never again curse the ground because of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood.  I will never again destroy all living things.  As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.”  Genesis 8:21-22.

Noah, the patriarch, upon leaving the ark, offered a sacrifice in the worship of the Lord.  We too worship in light of the deliverance of God.

With the beginning of each Season, we ought to raise our hearts in praise to God for His benevolent grace.  God continues in His patience with us, even though we are prone at times to wander from Him.  His care evidences itself in the stability of “planting and harvest”.  With the arrival of Spring, our spirits are lifted and the extra hours of sunshine seem to re-energize our bodies.  Our creative God, has crafted the Seasons for our benefit and the earth’s renewal.  Noah, the patriarch, upon leaving the ark, offered a sacrifice in the worship of the Lord.  We too worship in light of the deliverance of God.

This deliverance has come full Season in the person of Jesus Christ.  Just at the most suitable time, the Son of God was sent to earth to offer new life at a deep spiritual level.  His unmatched life, His sacrificial death and His glorious resurrection from the tomb, prove the love of God for humanity.  May we respond in worship, trust and obedience.  Spring has arrived!  God is faithful!

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