NorthLife Kids S.T.A.R.S
All children are S.T.A.R.S. meant to shine. They are unique masterpieces (one of a kind) created by God Himself.
We are entrusted by our Lord to raise our children in the way they should go.
When Jesus was born, His own shining STAR led people to worship the God Who came to Earth. Our children's ministry is named STARS, not only to remind kids of the birth of our Lord, but to also to reveal Him as God - Creator of all living things, and all around them. He paid the ultimate price by laying down His life for us.
Why? Because He loves us so very much.
Sunday School for children is offered downstairs in assigned rooms. Please sign children in at the bottom the the back stairs.
NorthLife Kids S.T.A.R.S Age Groups:
2 to 3 years old (Preschool) Sunshine - God's Love
Reminds us of the warmth of God's love for us - Hebrews 1:3
4 to 5 years old (Kindergarten) Tides - Faith
Belief, trust, and loyalty to God as revealed in Jesus Christ - Hebrews 11
6 to 7/8 years old (1st-2nd Grade) Aurora Borealis - Miracles & Mysteries of Christ
The life and abundant miracles of Jesus, from before His birth to after His resurrection - John 21:25
8 to 9/10 years old (3rd-4th Grade) Rainbows - God's Promises
In good or hard times, we must pray and stand firmly on the promises of God - Philippians 4:6-9
10 to 11/12 years (5th -6th Grade) Supernova - The Gospel of Christ
Training and studying to share the Good News with others - Matthew 28: 18-20
In today's world our children truly need discipleship. The DiscipleLand curriculum is founded on a passion to fulfill Jesus' Great Commission. We combine visual learning with book work, verse memorization, crafts and games, parental resources, and encouraging kids to use their Bibles. The most important aspect is the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our goal is to help children grow in Biblical knowledge, Christlike character, and faithful conduct, all to the glory of God. Walking in Jesus’ steps and being His disciple is the Christian’s highest privilege!